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CAM - Computer Aided Machined

Meccano offers Computer Aided Machined service, by using specific sofware (CATIA V5), for processing CNC machining programs.
The service provided by the Center comes in providing sequencing instructions in standard APT language or in ISO format according to the specific customer control.

The proposed service also extends to the provision of specific Post-Processor translators capable of converting the standard APT format of the Sw CAM to the ISO-specific format of each numeric control.


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Meccano S.p.A. - C.F. P.IVA e N. Reg. Imp. 01146570427 - R.E.A. n° 111512 AN
Sede legale ed operativa: 60044 Fabriano - Via G. Ceresani, 1 - Loc. Campo dell'Olmo
Sede operativa di Jesi: 60035 Jesi - Via G. di Vittorio, 4
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